Programming in Moby.Check – Build calculations, jumps and branches into digital processes and checklists

Moby.Check offers the use of conditional branches as jump functions and calculation options for the flow control of digital processes and checklists. When creating templates, the user can define branches and jumps to individual processing steps himself. Simple branches depending on inputs or selection keys can be used for this purpose. Moby.Check also offers the possibility to use mathematical calculations and logical links in process flows and checklists. When creating digital processes and checklists, it is possible to specify how the process flows depending on certain values and inputs. These new programming options in Moby.Check offer the user extensive freedom to design his digital processes even more variably and practically.


Moby.Check reads the last test date of a plant part during a technical check on site. If the date read is older than 90 days, an additional test step is processed in the checklist. This step is not required in all other cases and valuable time is saved.

Example 2:

A tanker is to be loaded for transport in combined transport and was identified as a multi-compartment vehicle during Check In. Moby.Check uses this information and calculates the permissible minimum and maximum loading quantity for the following process steps accordingly.

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distributed by Log.Go.Motion GmbH

(Intellectual Property by Dirk Emmerich and Reinhold Debald)

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