Our mission:

We make the world safer by guiding people error-free through complex processes with digitalization!

The company behind Moby.Check

Our guiding principle at Moby.Check

Only when the highest degree of security is combined with the greatest degree of freedom can sustainable progress emerge.

We are moving forward courageously.
This is how we inspire people to set about pushing the next frontier with the same enthusiasm. We make the complex manageable so that ideas become possibilities and possibilities become new ideas.

We carry our responsibility bindingly and competently
We only accept solutions that balance safety and efficiency. 
This is how we safeguard progress and make progress safe.

We are looking for permanent connection
We invite through a cheerful, approachable and joyful attitude. An honest, down-to-earth and relevant way of communicating shapes our identity.

We give back
In all areas of our trade, we are aware that as a company we give something back to our environment – to society and the environment by contributing to greater safety and social and community involvement.

May we introduce ourselves?
Our Company!

Learn more about the people behind Moby.Check
We are at your service

You would like to become a part of Moby.Check? Please send us your application documents via our contact form!

Our values
Be drive!

  • Protect and safeguard safety
  • Offer and use free space
  • Promote and demand self-determination

    Our assets – is what our employees are able to do
    We do not love our product but the problems of our customers!

Our managing director

  • Dirk Emmerich
  • More than 35 years of experience in IT, logistics, automotive, electronics and chemistry
  • Captain licence “foreign going unlimited trade”
  • Diploma Industrial Engineer / Business Information Systems

Our motivated team
We are moby.check,
an innovative specialist for the digitalization of mobile processes

  • We bring together the know-how of young and experienced specialists from industry, logistics and software engineering.
  • We combine the enthusiasm of a start-up with the knowledge of the industry from real user experience
    With us, our customers in the process industry drive digitization forward with certainty.
  • We develop software that closes the digital gap. We enable the easy integration of the mobile workforce into the redesign, execution and documentation of manual process.
  • We create clarity in the process so that secure freedom and structures are created with which our customers can easily shape theirdigitization themselves.

Our personality
Bravely moving forward

  • inspiring // encouraging
  • binding // competent
  • honest // relevant
  • cheerful // close

dirk Emmerich

Interview with the managing director

You often talk about the digital gap – what do you mean by that?

“Commercial processes, logistics services and the control of technical equipment are often very well supported by IT systems. Operational workers are still all too often left alone with a clipboard and pencil when carrying out manual activities in operation. Moby.Check closes this gap between IT systems and provides the worker with all the necessary data for safe and error-free mobile work in the plant: Digital processes and checklists with data from and for relevant ERP, laboratory, logistics or plant control systems, on- and offline on his tablet or smartphone. He becomes a ,digital mobile worker’! For example, for the product transfer from a tank container, for manual production steps in chemical or food production, for a vehicle inspection or the testing of a technical fire protection system.”

And what distinguishes Moby.Check from other applications?

Our product is neither the mobile screen of an ERP system nor is it limited to certain processes and value streams, e.g., only to maintenance. It is also not a simple construction kit for creating APPs or forms. Moby.Check is a ready-to-use application for digitizing complex processes, which are then used in industrial operations – on- and offline mobile on tablets or smartphones. For production, logistics, maintenance and repair, safety, environmental and quality management, compliance checks, etc. There are no professional limits for the customers”.

Where ist the greatest added value in using moby.check?
“First and foremost, the introduction of Moby.Check is a business project, not an IT project. Processes are scrutinized and optimized before they are digitally mapped with Moby.Check – otherwise you electrify your old steam railroad. The mobile worker takes center stage. With Moby.Check, he works safer, faster and more flexibly. Employees receive all the information and assistance they need to carry out their work online and are connected to other IT systems via Moby.Check. Data from SAP, laboratory or process control systems, scanners, character recognition and voice control facilitate on-site use. 
Another highlight is the online 4-eyes check with photo and video documentation. It brings experts on site at the tablet or smartphone. The customer takes over the digitization of the processes himself – flexibly and precisely tailored to his local needs. This makes digitization fun and opens up completely new possibilities for collaboration – even across company boundaries.”



Shaping Change Together

Stuttgart, 19. – 21. March 2024

Transport Logistic

The world’s leading trade fair for logistics, mobility, IT, and supply chain management

Munich, 02. – 05 June 2025

Logistics Summit

The trade fair and conference for digitalisation and innovation in logistics

Düsseldorf, 09. – 10. October 2024


Active partnerships

Our product Moby.Check and our team live from creativity, motivation in respectful cooperation with our customers and partners.
Respect, trust, and responsibility carry our networks.

Are you interested in a partnership? Contact us without obligation!

dalibri GmbH

distributed by Log.Go.Motion GmbH

(Intellectual Property by Dirk Emmerich and Reinhold Debald)

Log.Go.Motion GmbH
Höhenstraße 57A, 51381 Leverkusen


+49 (0)170 – 22 08 731


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