AKZ structure from the process industry for mapping technical systems

For maintenance and control, Moby.Check uses the AKZ structure to map buildings and technical systems and thus follows the standards in the pharmaceutical, chemical and process industries. Using hierarchical tree structures, all relevant technical elements can be systematically named and structured down to the individual component. It is possible to transfer existing plant structures from …

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Automatic version management with release processes for integration into QM systems

The creation and modification of templates for digital processes and checklists in Moby.Check is carried out according to a three-stage QM system: Only authorised users (e.g. production foremen) may create and modify templates. These are then checked by authorized users (e.g. quality or process managers) and released by authorized third users (e.g. plant managers) for …

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Workflows for team and group work

Digital processes and checklists can be edited in Moby.Check by several people from different teams. You define which work steps are to be processed by which groups of people. Depending on the processing progress, all affected users see the process steps that are pending for them. With Moby.Check, complex workflows can be digitally mapped throughout …

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Import function for existing checklists

Existing checklists can be imported into Moby.Check via the new checklist import function. Moby.Check generates new templates as a basic framework from existing checklists during the import, in which the previous contents are mapped. With the template designer, your “old checklists” can then be easily enriched and completed with the diverse possibilities of Moby.Check. You …

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Moby.Check at the ChemCologne Cooperation Day

Start Up meets chemical industry! On May 8, Log.Go.Motion GmbH will present Moby.Check at the ChemCologne Cooperation Day at the Haus der Universität in Düsseldorf.