Scheduling of unplanned maintenance work

You detect a defect or a deviation during a tour or while working in the company that needs to be eliminated or repaired immediately? No problem for Moby.Check. You generate a maintenance order online directly from your mobile device and load it into the system with priorities and deadlines. If a responsible person – e.g. …

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Sandbox operation for testing and trial in the productive system

Templates and checklists can be changed and tested by creative users in a “sandbox” directly in the production system. Changes in processes are prepared and checked quickly and easily without changing data. For this purpose, interfaces are only simulated and no database entries are made. The new versions can be transferred to the release process …

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Two-step authentication with ID card (NFC) and individual PIN

Instead of entering a user ID and password, a personal ID can also be scanned via NFC technology on the mobile device and an individual PIN can be entered to simplify logging into the system. Moby.Check uses the same technology to authenticate users for local 4-eyes checks. 

Mapping of laboratories and technical testing laboratories

Moby.Check has a new laboratory module in addition to existing online interfaces to laboratory systems. From mobile digital processes and checklists, queries can be sent online to a laboratory or a technical inspection body. In the laboratory module, the requests are processed, and results are returned to the mobile process as a test report. This …

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Deposit of legal bases

In Moby.Check, legal bases for the execution of processes, tests and monitoring can be mapped. The underlying legal regulations (laws, ordinances, technical regulations, etc. – e.g. BetrSichV, TRGS510) can be assigned to process and test steps. If the legal regulations change, the affected templates or checklists that refer to the affected regulation can be listed …

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Offline checklists without WLAN / without data radio connection

Digital processes and checklists can be edited on mobile devices completely without a WLAN or telephone connection to the server. This means that users are independent of a network connection with Moby.Check. Templates for offline checklists are loaded from the server to the mobile devices. There, checklists can be generated and completely edited offline at …

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More security – more data integrity

Moby.Check secures templates with a digital fingerprint. This security function guarantees that no checklists are created from manipulated or inadmissibly modified templates. When a saved template is used to create a checklist, its digital fingerprint is compared and only correct templates that have not been manipulated are allowed to generate checklists. The data integrity is …

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Programming in Moby.Check – Build calculations, jumps and branches into digital processes and checklists

Moby.Check offers the use of conditional branches as jump functions and calculation options for the flow control of digital processes and checklists. When creating templates, the user can define branches and jumps to individual processing steps himself. Simple branches depending on inputs or selection keys can be used for this purpose. Moby.Check also offers the …

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Change history for traceability and auditability

Moby.Check documents not only every change of a template with date and executing user, but also every input change during a process or checklist editing. The changes documented online during processing can be used as proof and for documentation purposes, but cannot be changed or deleted. This ensures that every change is fully documented. Example: …

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