1. Moby.Check Community Day 2022 – online

1. Moby.Check Community Day am 1. Februar 2022 - online

1st Moby.Check Community Day on February 1, 2022 – online Have your say Get informed Learn from other users Share experiences and templates See and hear what users can expect in 2022 … we look forward to an exciting day with our Moby.Check Community.

Moby.Check version 2.3.1 is available and offers many new features

Use of individual attributes for maintenance objects imported from different systems (SAP, COMOS, MS EXCEL, …). Use of standard process steps. Central departments in the company create and maintain standard processes – e.g. for safety-relevant inspections. The plants use these standards in their local processes and templates. Once created and maintained centrally – used worldwide …

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Time control for repeated automatic checklist generation

Moby.Check generates checklists for repetitive processes automatically via a new individual time control. For routine procedures, rounds, checks, etc., the appropriate checklists are automatically provided at the appropriate time.

New API standard interface

Moby.Check offers new simplified API standard interface for transferring master data, generating and starting checklists for production, logistics, and maintenance as well as feedback of data from finished checklists to customer systems.

Measuring and interlocking lists for monitoring EMR technology

In Moby.Check, test values can be dynamically entered via measurement and interlock lists in checklists for the inspection and monitoring of EMR technology. Variable tests with variable test data are thus possible in Moby.Check. The data can be entered manually, managed in Moby.Check or imported via Excel lists. In addition to the data, test methods, …

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Moby.Check with new design

Just in time for the turn of the year Moby.Check changes its appearance and presents itself with a new logo and new colours. You can expect more in the coming weeks – be curious!