Automatic version management with release processes for integration into QM systems

The creation and modification of templates for digital processes and checklists in Moby.Check is carried out according to a three-stage QM system: Only authorised users (e.g. production foremen) may create and modify templates. These are then checked by authorized users (e.g. quality or process managers) and released by authorized third users (e.g. plant managers) for use in a defined area. All new installations, changes, checks and approvals are documented online in the system in a traceable manner.

Every new and every modified template automatically receives a new version number and passes through the three-stage release process. Previous versions remain unchanged with their associated processes and checklists.

The version management and the three-stage release procedure meet the requirements for the integration of Moby. Check into the document control of QM systems.

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distributed by Log.Go.Motion GmbH

(Intellectual Property by Dirk Emmerich and Reinhold Debald)

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